Submitted: 4 months ago

My wife and our 3 young kids have been in the pit for 2 years. one after the next of unexpectedly bad things keeps happening. We are at the end of our rope financially, and need a miracle. Please pray for God's grace and a supernatural miracle for God to intervene and turn things around. I... read more

6 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

Hi can you please prayer for me cause I’m struggling with addictions and it’s so hard to quit and can you please pray for me & my family and people I know to be saved and I don’t wanna be separated from God or to end up in hell and I want Jesus so badly

6 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

Hello my prayer works family! Coming to you today with another prayer request I have a dear friend Danny whose 10month old son, Chester-Paul is suffering from bronchitis. He is no longer wanting to eat. This father of four has already lost one, an unborn child which our loving Father took too soon.... read more

8 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

Please pray for my adult children. They both have a fractured relationship with their father, no fault of theirs. Our children are good people and I am proud of the who they have become. My husband, I believe has a mental disorder that was never diagnosed or treated. Although he loves his children,... read more

6 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

I need prayer for guidance and direction. My adult children who are still in school need my support and I want to be able to support them in any way I can, morally, financially, etc. They have always been good people and deserve this from me. They both in college and dealing with their own... read more

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

I live with my ex-husband for economic reasons. It was his idea that we do not sell the house and try to live in harmony as we have kids in college and most of our money goes towards their expenses. I am not feeling good about us still being in the same house. He was emotionally and mentally... read more

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

Please pray for my son and his girlfriend. They are both in medical school and dealing with a lot of challenges that are putting a strain on their relationship. Although I want to see this relationship work out, I want God in control of where they need to be in this stage of their lives. I really... read more

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

My 27 year old son moved into an apartment in NY with two roommates he's known since High School. He's discovered one of them has changed a lot since high school and believes the situation will not work out. This roommate smokes marijuana, leaves the oven on while he's passed out and... read more

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

My daughter is a Junior in college living in off campus housing with some girls. One of the girls is giving her a hard time and basically showing her that she doesn't liker her. Not sure what is the reason but I need protection over my daughter's heart. She's such a sweet girl and I... read more

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 4 months ago

I have been feeling anxious and I know I have so much to be grateful for. I have been in the same job role for a little over 5 years. I see others who are progressing and moving on to new roles which they deserve but I feel so inadequate. I don't know what it is about me that makes me get too... read more

4 prayed for this