Submitted: 3 months ago

Please pray that my interview for a job tomorrow goes exceedingly well and it eventually leads to an offer where I excel and provide great service to others. I have been unemployed since the middle of June. Thank you for your prayers! God bless you!

4 prayed for this

Submitted: 3 months ago

Thank you Lord that we can trust you with our life. Prayers for a safe traveling day and no medical flare ups in the body. Peace and strength to be able to join the family holiday gathering. Thank you Jesus!

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 3 months ago

This past Sunday, me and my Grandma we're shopping at the Aldi grocery store in Cheverly, MD. I was at the front of the line paying for our groceries, but short of $11. By the grace of God, a lady who was in line behind me gave $11 dollars to me to complete my grocery transaction. Praise ye... read more

Submitted: 3 months ago

Prayer so I don't fall again under anxiety for house issues (door leaks, possible rodents, and other issues). I know has everything under control and my wife and kids will have a safe house to live in for many more years.

5 prayed for this