Submitted: 2 years ago

My girlfriend is taking a comprehensive exam in Macroeconomics for her PhD program today (Friday) from 10am to 2pm. We pray that God would give her peace during the examination so she can focus and that God would bless her with the wisdom and knowledge to answer the questions. We also pray that she... read more

15 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Save me Heavenly Father; I need you. I ask the WGTS community to please pray with me. I'm sorry for my sins. I can't take it anymore. Please Jesus save me from alcoholism. Please keep that evil person who stalks me away. Jesus you are my God and Savior. I pray for your love, forgiveness, mercy, and... read more

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

I'm having a financial hardship, after two years of unemployment, I got a temporary job, I need to prepare and practice for this job, but I got sick and I'm constantly coughing, it doesn't let me work. School is pressuring me to get their money, I'm scared and terrified by their constant emails. My... read more

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Please pray all issues will be resolved for my property in India that I will be able to pay taxes and the land will be in my name. Please Pray that God would give wisdom and leads Surveyor Renjith, revenue officer and my cousin Varghese to make decisions that lead to completion of the issues. In... read more

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Prayers for my half-sister and half-brother in-law. Prayers S can focus on his job and move forward with it and work on a better position. Prayers C focuses on school and improving her health. Prayers she can learn to cut back on portion sizes. She has added more healthy things into her diet but... read more

12 prayed for this