Submitted: 2 years ago

Bring everything to tye Lord in prayer. I'm thanking God for making a way. I'm going to have a small procedure done on Friday asking for God to study the specialist hands, give he wisdom and guidance and for the results of this procedure to be wonderful. In Jesus Name we pray Amen ?????????

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Please all, pray for safe car travels for me and my little family this weekend. It sounds silly to ask for this to some people I know, but for me road trips cause me so much anxiety and fear. I have no idea when it started but it’s horrible and I hate it. Something other people don’t think... read more

9 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Please join me in prayer for Brad Smith, he was in a motorcycle accident and not doing well by the grace of God and healing power of our lord I know Brad will be healed. Amen ? thank you and many blessings

10 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Prayers for my husband Kevin to walk in purity. Please pray that our marriage bed stays undefiled and pure. Praying for his heart to desire God’s word daily. Praying for God to shield his eyes and thoughts. Prayers for us to grow deeper and Jesus to be at the center of our family. Please also... read more

8 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Prayers for brother inlaw he says he is stressed out. Please help this situation he doesn't understand when we are trying to explain rules and sometimes he just doesn't listen. I can ask for certain things to be done that is his responsibility not mine he just ignores me until I get my husband to... read more

6 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

A friend of my daughter who is newly saved and a new Christian, lost his wallet and I am asking that God will help him find it. I pray that God will show him where it is and that everything will still be there.

9 prayed for this