Submitted: 2 years ago

I moved to a beautiful new apartment in May. Since the first night, my upstairs neighbor has been stomping around and dropping very large objects at 12, 2, 4 am almost every night. Last night it was 12:20, 1:30, 2:30am. White noise maker and earplugs do nothing. I have been tiptoeing around not... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Please pray for my husband Kevin to walk in purity, to turn his eyes and heart from immoral and impure things and thoughts. Please pray for our marriage, undefiled marriage bed, purity, and for him to draw near to Jesus. Reading and praying, and godly mature, pure men for friends. Thank you!

8 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

I need a new job. I found out this week my supervisor does not like me. This person went off on me. Also, I'm not the only one they have a beef with. I was flabbergasted. I didn't get mad which I'm glad because I would have quit right then and there. This person is a christian and has a non-clergy... read more

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Food stamps didn't come thru. Somebody may be stealing them (been trying to prove). Have to reapply and must go without until I get an appointment next week. Even then, I have to ask for an exception in order to reapply. I have multiple disabilities. Want to find a job I can do, still no job... read more

17 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Prayers have no boundaries. I kindly requesting prayers for my dad who is in Chad (Africa). He is in a hospital which is poorly equipped and nurses couldn’t do much because it’s in a remote village. He is struggling between life and death. Please pray for him. I believe that God can restore... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

I'm stressed out and ready to explode. My son was denied bail, there's issues within my family, I'm about to lose my house, and my means of communication is about to get cut off. Please pray for God to give me the strength during this time and for circumstances to change sooner than later. I don't... read more

20 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Jesus you are my God and Savior; please hear my prayers today. I ask the WGTS community to please pray with me. I'm sorry for my sins. I live day by day knowing that today may be my last. I can't take it anymore. I cry out to you Lord to please help me. I pray to overcome alcoholism which is... read more

17 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Many prayers Lord. I have scheduled a procedure the earliest they had was mid Sept. Pain is getting bad sometime prayers I can make it till then I don't want to go to hospital . My knees are in Alot of pain also drs want to do procedure for lots large and small vains in legs. Want to get to drs for... read more

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Dear friends in Christ - please pray for mer - I'm a single almost 40 year woman who has met someone I believe God has chosen for me but I keep letting my insecurities and past hang-ups get thw worst of me. I can feel myself self sabotaging the relationship almost in real time. We had an... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Please pray for my mom, mother in law, and sister in law as well as our whole family. There’s been some misunderstandings that resulted in hurt feelings. I want to make everything right but also understand I can’t control and take ownership of the feelings of others. Please pray this quickly... read more

14 prayed for this