Submitted: 2 years ago
At the MVA. Getting the customer service of a lifetime. Lord. Please allow the systems to work and my task here to be completed!!!
Submitted: 2 years ago
At the MVA. Getting the customer service of a lifetime. Lord. Please allow the systems to work and my task here to be completed!!!
Submitted: 2 years ago
Many prayers Lord I am still not sure about the new NIV and other Bible's that are taking out things. It says it's to help people better understand. Will this lead people to better understanding but less time Meditating and studying and more time worshiping the Lord? Let your will be done.
Submitted: 2 years ago
My disability case with Social Security has been under review for 5 months. I'm told it takes 6 months to review. Also, I filed for discharge of my student loans. I had to stop taking because the stress of it worsened my health. Please pray for overwhelming favor for approval for both. Thank you... read more
Submitted: 2 years ago
Many prayers lord for continuing this business help me to communicate with people and to know when to cut communications and when I am going to deep in conversations. I like to help people and I have a tendency to have an open ear when someone is in need of talking please help me to keep boundaries... read more
Submitted: 2 years ago
My friend Doris's son Abner is going through a divorce. He has had to start over and is in need financially and to have joint custody. Please pray how God leads you to pray for him. I pray that God continues to strengthen him and he keeps trusting in God in Jesus name Amen! Thank you so much.
Submitted: 2 years ago
Thank you Lord for your blessings. I'm sorry for my sins. Please WGTS family pray with me. I'm in a very dark place with no way out. I live day by day knowing that today may be my last. I just can't take it anymore. Please Jesus keep that evil person who stalks me away. Help me overcome alcoholism.... read more
Submitted: 2 years ago
God has blessed me with a job I never could have imagined. I am so grateful for all he's done for me. However, I am looking around for other job opportunities as I have been in the same role for 4 years and would like a change. I just want full direction from God as i know he knows what is best. I... read more
Submitted: 2 years ago
God has been so good to me in so many areas of my life. All I ask for is that he guides my two adult children in the way they should go. Both are hard working people still in school and working towards careers in medicine. I am happy that they are responsible people. I pray that God continues to... read more
Submitted: 2 years ago
Please pray for my family. My children are college students who come home for breaks and are home this summer. My husband is a very controlling and difficult person to live with. Both of my children have had a hard time growing up with him as a father. He micro-manages us all where it is borderline... read more
Submitted: 2 years ago
Pray for a coworker who has been erroneously charged and has been suspended for 10 days. Pray that the supervisors will be held accountable for purposely filing false charges on the employee in an attempt to intimidate. Pray that the employee get fully reimbursed and that the supervisors will no... read more