Submitted: 2 years ago

Hello, asking for prayers for my health. I discovered a lump in my breast last night and it's associated with pain. I will make an appointment to see my doctor this week. Please pray this lump is not cancerous. Its in Jesus name I pray. Amen. Thank you all so much!

9 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Please dear brothers and sisters pray for the Lord to give my son and his wife humble hearts. Ask the Lord to humble them to recognize that God is the giver of every perfect gift and that they should honor Him with their hearts. May God take away all their desire for the things of this world and... read more

6 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

To those struggling with spiritual attacks whether they be demonic, satanic or may come from witchcraft, please be strong. Ask for prayers from your pastors and reverend. Ask for blessings for your homes and yourselves, and keep your eyes on God. These evil people and evil spirits will mock you and... read more

4 prayed for this