Submitted: 2 years ago

Need prayer … My car is still in at my mechanics hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow. Don’t like relaying on others. Also I need to make a big decision about my living situation by the end of the month, so I can give 30 day notice to the landlord. I’m praying about it, for Gods guidance and... read more

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Please pray that the Lord opens up a new part-time job for me. I need to work some as my retirement funds and social security doesn’t cover all my expenses with the increase costs in gas and groceries. I am thankful that I can still work in my sixties. Thank you all for praying.

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Please pray for my significant other’s career path. He is eligible for a new position. He is one of two excellent candidates. God’s will be done! Lord knows I wouldn’t know who to pick/what to do!

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

I am having a surgery tomorrow morning (August 28, 2023) to remove a mass from the tail of my Pancreas. During the surgery, the doctor told me he will be removing the spleen also. I will be admitted to the hospital at 6 AM. Please pray my surgery to go smoothly and recover well. Keep my doctor and... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

Many prayers for Christine. She told me she wants to get healthier she wants to change her diet wants to work on getting diploma. Prayers if she really wants this, she will truly work on it. You can't say you want something and expect it to just fall in your lap. Yes, I believe God can do anything,... read more

1 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

I just lost my job and things at home have been stressful and now will only get worse and I've already been on the very edge of breaking mentally, physically, emotionally. But I've interviewed with a job a few weeks ago so please pray I land this job it'd be a great career opportunity for me.

19 prayed for this

Submitted: 2 years ago

I have been seeing this guy for the past 4 months and we were taking things slow so we wouldn’t rush into anything too soon. He is in the military so he does travel time to time and just told me that it’s best if we end things now before it progresses any further. He said that in the future it... read more

12 prayed for this