Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 5 months ago

Good morning Lord,
Today I thank you for your grace and mercy. I thank you for being a loving God, full of mercy and generous in the wonderful gifts that you have for your children. Jesus I thank you for you sacrifice and the fact that you graciously restored our relationship to God through your obedience. Holy Spirit, I thank you for the work that you are doing in the earth today. Thank you for moving and inspiring the hearts of God’s people and raising up the Kingdom citizens to their rightful place as joint heirs with Jesus Christ. I am grateful to know and serve you Lord.

Today I ask that you encourage the hearts and minds of all those that may encounter this prayer today. I pray that my fellow brothers and sisters are reminded of their victory in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray that they are moved to compassion, generosity, peace, and endurance. I pray that the fruits of your Holy Spirit are found in abundance in their lives so that it overflows towards all that they encounter. We thank you for your healing mercies. We thank you for the ability to walk in the power of Christ Jesus and to speak to our circumstances and situations with authority in Jesus name. You told us that in this life we will have troubles, but you gave us the blessed assurance that we can have peace because you have overcome the world. Lord you have experienced all natural emotions and circumstances. You are touched with our feelings and infirmities but most importantly you showed us how to overcome them. You have taught us how to set our thoughts and focus our attention to your presence even in the midst of the most challenging circumstances. You are our healer, our provider, our protector, our God who SEES us, and you are our Father. We thank you for this and desire to walk as children of the Most High God. You are a King and in your Lordship, you have promised that those who seek you in accordance with your word shall lack no good thing. Therefore Lord, we humbly come to you seeking YOU. We set aside our personal desires that are not in alignment with your will because we know that you search our hearts. We trust that you will grant us your best and we submit to the authority of Your will. We ask that our lives become representative of the covenant promises that you have granted us as new covenant believers in Jesus Christ. Satan , we remind you that you are defeated. You have no claim, right, or memorial in the lives of the redeemed through Christ Jesus. We bind your works and that of your followers. We rebuke and return the works of the kingdom of darkness by the power of Jesus Christ. Every evil tongue that rises against us shall be silenced in Jesus name. We rebuke and bind any and all dark spiritual attachments off of the children of God. We revoke the adversary’s access to our health, our finances, our marriages, our families, our minds, our creative spirit, and our hearts. Father God we welcome your presence and place you high above our own selfish wants or desire. My prayer request is simply that this one thing, Your Will be done in our lives. It is in the precious anointed name of your Son Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

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