Prayer Request

By Jenna

Submitted: 5 months ago

My prayer is for strength and courage for tomorrow morning at 9 am. I have to be in court, and this is the first time I have been there before. I have been through an emotionally and physically abusive marriage for years, and God thankfully brought me out of it last year. I am trying to get sole custody of my kids, as they have been in the middle of this abuse for years, and it pains me as a mother to have to send them over there, hearing what my daughter tells me. Please pray for strength for me for tomorrow, that I can advocate for my two young children, that justice will be served, that a best interest attorney will be appointed, and the courts will see that I am just trying to do the best I possibly can for my two babies, and for us to finally be able to live in peace and freedom.

9 prayed for this