Prayer Request

By Mom

Submitted: 5 months ago

I am praying for my son and I’m asking others to do the same.

My son is currently in the fight of his life, for 50/50 custody of his two young children. He has always been present, active, engaged, emotionally supportive, financially supportive and there is nothing he would not do for his babies. Dad & Mom has decided to dissolve their relationship and are currently still in the same home, with their children. There is no doubt Dad & Mom love their girls very much. My son hired an attorney in November 2023, had paperwork drawn up for 50/50 custody, and finally had mom served a couple months ago. He felt he had no choice but to do so. Mom provided my son with a parenting plan (from google) that would allow dad with less than thirty days a year with him, well over three thousand monthly in child support, daycare, shared cost for activities and the children on his health insurance (as they currently are) – needless to say, my son did not sign the paperwork and turned it over to his Attorney. Mom would routinely make threats to leave the state routinely refer to the children, ” “her children” “their state recognizes only her as the parent” “several attempts to relocate out of state with the children – with no job” “attempts to alienate him from the children” and attempts by her family to encourage him to drop the court case and allow them to mediate. In my heart of hearts I know, my son did the right thing by pursing this through the courts to protect him as a father. My son does not regret the step he took to ensure his rights as a father was not taken away or altered, as the best interest of the children are to have a relationship with both parents.

I have advised my son to remain respectful, honest, and communicate with mom, to understand that the children and both families will forever be connected “forever families” because of the precious babies. It has been a very rough few days trying to keep my son encouraged, lifted, positive and lifted in prayer. I don’t know how else to help him or what else to say to him. He appears to be broken and defeated by what is happening daily in the household my son is not confrontational, so in most cases he does not do the back & forth with mom. I know prayer works.

I am prying for my grandchildren, please protect and watch over them, please God!!!! Oh, please protect them!!! I’m praying that my son is praying and has turned this over to God. I am praying my son is awarded 50/50 custody of the children. I am praying that dad & mom can co-parent for the sake of their children’s life, emotional, physical wellbeing. They need to know, that their parents love them and are working together, as one to raise them. I am praying for my son’s continued protection, I pray for his strength, I pray he uses his voice, I praying he does not give up or give in and to stay in prayer. I am also prying for mom, as she has unhealed traumas from her past that she has not dealt with and her family refuses to address the help she desperately needs. They refuse to call her out on her actions as of late. They fear she will take children from them. I pray mom finds peace and is healed from her past hurts. Oh God, I need you!!


12 prayed for this