Prayer Request

By Zamier

Submitted: 5 months ago


I’ve been posting prayers on here about a teen that I’m mentoring and his family. After the teens mom sent him to the grandmas house because she ‘had enough of him’. She took him back from the grandmas home because ‘he was being treated to well’.

As the teen has been back home he tried to overdose by taking 11 ibuprofens and two other pills that he found around the house. I was alerted by him and called the police. Once the police got to the home he denied that he was suicidal and denied taking the medication because his mom was present when he was being asked those questions.

After that incident, I further got grandma involved & god-mom. After exposing so much information, mom has been forcefully trying to kick me out the picture and paint me out to be a liar and not to be believed.

Grandma finally called Child Protective Services today and they will start the investigation process by calling Mom first. PRAYERS that God continue to be in the midst of this entire situation! The Lord grants the workers wisdom, discernment and boldness. Pray that the process moves quickly! Pray that the Lord grants the teen boldness to speak the truth even while being timid/scared. Pray that the workers pull the teen aside to ask him questions alone so his mom does not influence his decision, thoughts and words. PRAY THAT WHATS BEEN HAPPENING IN THE DARK CONTUINES TO BE EXPOSED! That as Grandma and I continue to be whistle blowers that the Lord watch over us and give us favor in the sight of others!

God we praise your name! And we thank you for already moving and answering prayers!

7 prayed for this