Prayer Request

By Philomena

Submitted: 4 weeks ago

Lord, I need Your help with a few situations I can't cope with. First I need to understand why my husband Myron cannot communicate with me about important things in our life. Household situation that I talk to him about. But he only listens with no responses or guidance. Help me Lord to understand why we can't communicate. I'm going crazy.
Second Lord, my parents are getting older and they need more attention. They live with us and they have their own bedroom, bathroom etc. in our basement as they call it their castle. I am retired now for the past 3 years and I'm doing all the cooking and cleaning up behind them and my 2 daughters and grandson. I need them to help out in the house yet they just live for themselves no matter how much I ask for help. And, I can't asked them to leave because my parents want them to stay with us.
Lore, I'm in a bad way and You are my only friend that I can talk too, pray with and cry with. I'm alone in a house full of people and I need prayers doe peace in my life.
Thank you all for praying for me and my family. And also pray for my mom who lost her brother a year ago and now her youngest sister last week. Out of 7 children it's only my mom and one more younger sister still living. But she's in NY and we are in VA.
Praise You Lord for Your hearing my cry and Thank You for Your Blessings Amen!

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