Prayer Request

By Sylvia

Submitted: 2 months ago

Nine years ago, I met the man of my dreams. From the moment I saw him, I knew that he was a gift from God. We fell in love and will be married for eight years this coming January. We have had many wonderful times, but there have also been many ups and downs. Maybe it is because he is from Mexico, and I have always been put behind his family. In April i went through a cancer scare, many tests and he was by my side. We had a stupid argument in June and he left me. There is no one else for either of us, we talk every morning and every night. We see each other every weekend like we are dating. In October I had to have emergency surgery to repair my esophagus and had 85% of my stomach removed. It's been a rough road, and even though we have not filed for divorce, this separation is breaking my heart. I love this man with all my heart and TRULY believe God brought us together, I want to do everything I can to get us back on track and save our marriage. I have apologized for saying what I said that made him mad and he says he still loves me very much. I've been trying to keep the faith, ask God for guidance, and help my husband's heart so he can forgive me. I try to tell my husband that no relationship is perfect, and everyone struggles,but it is a gift from God and we need to work on it, not just walk away because it's tough. Im asking that someone please pray for me that I may be a better wife and best friend for my husband. That I learn to watch the words that come out of my mouth and the way I express myself ( he doesnt lke the loud italian side of me) I pray that Gdd touches my husband's heart and remind him of the love we share, the team we were and to soften his heart to forgive me. And to help us both to put HIM first so that our love can grow strong again. THank you and Merry Christmas

3 prayed for this