By Kathleen
Submitted: 4 months ago
I raised all 4 of my children as a single parent. They all came to Christ at an early age, but as they've gotten older, they have strayed away from God. Two of my children are now parents and are also raising their children as single parents. One of my children has strayed away so far, that he's caused our family division with his actions and behavior. Another
child of mine can't seem to break completely free from an abusive relationship. Three of my children have alcohol addictions, which I myself have been delivered from a year and a half ago. We have become a divided family and my heart aches for them. Please pray that they will return to Christ with their whole heart, ready to surrender their will for His. My grandchildren need to have Godly parents to help guide them in this dark world. I pray to see this change while I'm on this side of Heaven. I'm 66 year old and I'm becoming weary in shining my light alone in my family. Please stand in prayer with me for my strength and health to not fail, and that my family and I will unite together with Christ in our midst. We need each other, but most importantly, we need Him.
Thank you. 🙏