Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 3 months ago

For over 2 years now my family has been dealing with medical issues. It started when my brother died and seems the attacks on all of us have increased. the other night my head was hurting so bad as if I had hit it on something. I have high blood pressure and Took my reading. it was 224 over 115. Went to Er at 2 in morning they did a cat scan. Good thing is the only thing they found was a bad sinus infection and a lot of damage to the sinus. They gave me shots for high pressure got it down to 154. Ok I take meds but not working. Told me to go to regular doctor. Not an easy thing as you know it is hard to get a appointment around here. i already had one scheduled and also called looking for heart doc but the only one was out of my area that had anything in under 2 months time. i took it. But in meantime my head still hurts my son still has problems with leg and we have no friends to help as all the old ones moved away. The new people in neighborhood mostly have no kids and are not friendly. So we are stuck . We do not get out much because of sickness even the dog has problems. Wish i had my other brother to talk to but he has his own set of problems and is to busy to call and hundreds of miles away. Sure good use Gods help if he would.

2 prayed for this