Prayer Request

By T

Submitted: 1 year ago

Pray for my young son who is 20. He has been dating an older woman and she is manipulating him to work like a dog and pay bills. She is trying to cause a division between him and his family so she can control his actions, thoughts, etc. he has dropped out of school to support her while she attends school. He has started smoking marijuana. He is so blind and dead to the truth right now. It’s breaking my heart. He works long hours in the hot sun. He doesn’t realize what this woman is doing. He is totally smitten by her Jezebel spirit. He use to be a fine athlete and he was raised serving the Lord but somehow she has seduced and brainwashed him. He is not himself. Please pray for Him. His nick name is Buddy. Pray their relationship ends and he returns to Christ and fulfill the call on his life, while on earth, in Jesus name. Thank you so much for interceding.

11 prayed for this