Prayer Request

By Chris

Submitted: 1 year ago

Father God, I come unto you with my heavy heart and without strength. I am but a man in need of a Savior! I am not perfect nor do I claim I am a saint, but I am in need of your wisdom and guidance, I can not pass the test you have given me by my self. I pray that now that my daughter mother has decided to leave the house and end our relationship of 7 years. I wish her the best and may you bless her and protect her, but I only pray that she sees that our daughter does not have to pay the price of our actions, please Father God see our hearts and see how I only want the best for our daughters, I want to be there for her, you know everyone’s heart, I pray you do your will in this situation. Please hear my prayer, because our daughters means everything to me and I do not want to lose her, please Lord I can not bear everything that is going on. I can do this on my own, PLEASE HELP ME JESUS!!!! PLEASE!!! I need your wisdom and guidance. Thank you for all the blessing we have in our life, I pray Lord for strength and claimness and for your merciful love, your unconditional love! in Jesus Name AMEN!

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