Prayer Request

By Prayer for “G” Family

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray for this family as they go through a very complicated custody battle. Pray that truth will prevail today and not delay! Pray that every claim the enemy has on their lives and livelihood would be nullified in the name of Jesus. God break every chain and stronghold. Occupy the hearts and minds of everyone involved in this case especially the dad and that side of the family and especially the therapists and lawyers involved. God give the mom hope. God free the child from having to visit an abusive dad because of court order. God let your justice roll down on them like water. May their righteousness be like the noonday. God you said it would be better for a millstone to be tied around one’s neck and thrown into the sea than to lead one of your little ones astray. God we are pleasing on behalf of your little one – save him quickly and do not delay. End the confusion and the pain and hurt. Restore and heal. Remove the pride from the dad’s heart and soften his heart so that he can be seen for who he truly is and serve time according to the law of the land! May you consume all evil with the fire of your presence. May their faces glow from being in your presence and May it be evident to all, who they serve. Show your mighty hand in their midst today. Do not let anyone involved resist your power. Show that you are Lord and that you have the final say. Do not delay. Show them today.

10 prayed for this