Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray for my daughter. she’s so overwhelmed and wasn’t sharing anything with me until today. she is a single mother and overwhelmed with court paperwork she basically wants to give up and let dad have custody. Told her probably harder to get back custody if gives it up now. She’s like how much harder can it be? Pray she doesn’t give up, will seek out legal advice (and let me talk to them to), will get into counseling and a psychiatrist to get her mental health back in line, and seek out advise, help, other resources, etc. I don’t want her to give up or lose her son. I know she’s not done stuff right and is hard, but can do it if seeks help and gets her act together. It’s alot. Pray also can get a free attorney to represent her through a service (They told her they weren’t taking new cases, but I’m not sure if pushes if that would help.) or some other source. That she would be totally open with me/us and would listen to us, take our advice, and communicate. It’s alot and I’m overwhelmed with how to direct her so pray for direction for me as well and right advice and words to say.

10 prayed for this