Prayer Request

By Shawn

Submitted: 1 year ago

Pray for my son who an airman at tech school for months. He has been there for almost a month. Yesterday 3 leaders talked to him and told him they are going to send him home because he is not fit for the Military because the missed formation for not knowing military time; he was at the gym doing PT and they couldn’t have there phone on and they couldn’t I get in contact with him; he reported late for a meeting; he didn’t check the change in schedule; he didn’t complete the schoolhouse duties – him and other people left because the leader was not there and he didn’t have his rank on his uniform. He got through basic which was much harder. He said there are so many unknown rules and he is learning by making a mistake. They want to give him a letter of concern for missing formation last week. Please pray they do. Or send him home and they give him a chance to do better. He said he can ask for a mentor please pray that he get a mentor that can help him. Also pray that he put any pride away and ask for help. Pray that he learn military time. Pray that any weakness he have that God will give him the wisdom to change it without him getting in trouble. Pray the 3 leaders will allow him to stay in the military. Pray that he does not get a letter of counseling and they will have him do extra duties. Pray that he can successfully complete tech school and all of the issues will not follow him to the assigned base. Pray for his mental state and that he will work hard like he did in basic.

7 prayed for this