Prayer Request

By Kiersten

Submitted: 1 year ago

I have been seeing this guy for the past 4 months and we were taking things slow so we wouldn’t rush into anything too soon. He is in the military so he does travel time to time and just told me that it’s best if we end things now before it progresses any further. He said that in the future it won’t be fair to me to have to move around a lot and to be alone when he has to travel for work. I think that he is choosing for me before I can decide for myself what I want. I am hurting so much right now and I need prayer for strength and wisdom and understanding because this all came out of the blue. I also need prayer that if it’s meant to be for us to be together then it will happen and if not then the one meant for me will come when the timing is right. Amen.

12 prayed for this