Prayer Request

By Abigail

Submitted: 1 year ago

I have tons of work, lot due, and not much time. I’m pretty tired and head’s not feeling that great. Please pray for clarity of thinking, strength, wisdom, His solutions, prioritization, His Presence,protection and peace, love and goodness. Blessings upon son and husband and family, this marriage, and help in balance and clarity/wisdom what it should look like this season. Hunger and closeness with God for my husband and I. Great part time jobs that would fit schedule perfectly! God’s best and God to captivate our hearts and bring husband closer to Him, help him go to bible study/church and God would continue to bless our son in his new daycare and clarity and wisdom if this is the right place and fit for our son and family. Some small concerns but don’t want to make them into things they aren’t but also asking for discernment and God would reveal if it is anything bad to our son. Don’t think it is but our son is so young, so can’t fully communicate. God’s blessing and success, guidance, wisdom, discernment and courage, faith for leaders to obey and if there is anything wrong, they would do the right thing. God’s best! As Holy Spirt leads.

12 prayed for this