Prayer Request

By Bill

Submitted: 1 year ago

It has been just over a year now since the love of my life broke my heart for the 8th time in 9 years. I have devoted 13 years, (about 20% of my life), to her. I know in my heart I have done everything I could to show her unconditional love, to include forgiving her SIX times when she left me for one of my so-called friends from church. I was falsely accused by a young lady at our Church of behaving inappropriately when she and I went to a baseball game. I have NO idea of why she accused me, and when my girlfriend became aware of her accusations, she PROMISED me she would not let the false allegations and rumors/gossip about the incident ruin our relationship. Yet, within a couple of weeks, she started sneaking around behind my back with my ‘friend’, and ended up walking out of our relationship for the first of six times. I forgave her EVERY time, and never held what she had done against her. The Bible says: ‘Love keeps no record of wrongs’, so that is how I responded to her cheating. Just over a year ago she walked out on us yet again, with a different so-called friend of mine from Church. I still think about her almost every day, and tear up about her not being with me all the time. My counselor has told me that God is not punishing me, but protecting me. Yet, I am still soooooo heartbroken I cannot even express in words the depths of my hurt. I feel absolutely no joy in life whatsoever, and have asked God to please just take me home to heaven where there is no sadness and no hurt. I also am trying REALLY hard to convince myself that I need to deal with this the way Jesus did shortly before He was crucified, when He said, ‘Please take this cup away from me, but not My will but Your will be done.’ I know my faith needs to be stronger, knowing this is God’s will, but I still struggle with this almost every day. Please pray for me, and for my faith to be stronger in KNOWING how much God loves me, and KNOWING that this is HIS will. Thank you!

14 prayed for this