Prayer Request

By Carre

Submitted: 1 year ago

I wanted to let everyone know that God is great, for almost two years now I have been fighting my ex husband in court for my daughter he dragged me through the ringer, will i just went to court last week. He said it was up to my daughter to decide because she is 14 years old, my daughter has been through so much right now. Well anyway the judge listened to each testimony, and they all said that it’s up to my daughter to decide to not to see me. Will long story short. The judge went over their heads saying that it’s not my daughter’s choice, so he ruled that she has no say in this, the judge gave me a Saturday and holidays together and she can choose to move back with me. Thank God seen what was right, thank God it
has been almost two years. What a testimony my God knew what was right. The judge made it clear in the court room it was his decision not mine and to tell my daughter it was his decision. God is good I pray for strength because I know he can do stupid stuff sometimes. I want to be able to handle it give me strength. Pray for strength for me with my daughter. He will not make it easy for me.

8 prayed for this