Prayer Request

By Yvonne

Submitted: 1 year ago

I am praying for healing for my and my son . I had no support from my family when I was pregnant at 20 yera old after college, my son was placed in adoption in 1973 with a fmaily referred to me by my mentor , my doctor, I was a pre-med ,and acccepted to medical school . The birth father was a veteran returning from VIetnam, he was struggling with addiction. We found each other in 2018 , he is struggling with emotions because he was not told he was adopted, he found my name at age 13 and always wondered about me. We are building a relationship and the emotions are so overwhelming . please pray for me and son that God will give us the strngth to walk this mirav=cle that God has given us by briniging us back together. his adoptive mother is not recptiove of our reunion. Pray for our healing.

12 prayed for this