Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 11 months ago

My brother to get away from his girlfriend and her family. For my brother to stop being controlled
for my brother to man up. For my brother to stop being rude to me. For my brother to have remorse for being rude to me. My brothers girlfriends plans to use him and trap him fall apart. That my brothers girlfriends plans seize and she stops making the decisions. God to work things out asap. My mother to get help for her bi polar disorder and her mental health. That my youngest brother is not affected by my moms issues. My mom stops bringing my little brother into her issues. My mother wakes up and gets a reality check on who her son is . My mom to grow up and have better emotionally control and stop being rude and nasty all the time. She stays out of my relationship with my boyfriend and stops messaging him. My own place God sends me something that’s affordable. Peace. Willy To leave our family alone my brother gets 50/50 custody asap. Mental health, My job stress. Financial increase. Settlement to come asap
Brothers eyes to be open asap.

5 prayed for this