Prayer Request

By William

Submitted: 10 months ago

7 years ago I admitted to a wrong doing that shattered my life, my then wife’s life, and our children’s life. I’m not proud of it and I have been living with the consequences since. I praise God for even though I was so wrong, he remained great still to this day. I lost my job, lost my home, lost my car, and ruined my credit (financially and relationally). I have rebuilt my relationship with my children to a better point than it was before and every weekend they are with me is a pure blessing from God. My relationship with their mother is a good Co-Parenting relationship with the occasional rockiness, but we both have learned to communicate better with each other and realizing that was our worst trait with each other. God blessed me with a fantastic job that I have been working for 1.5 years now and do not see ending anytime soon allowing me to purchase a car for my oldest son and myself, pay my creditors I owe, and start saving. My current journey/season is trying to rebound from my poor credit rating that tells everyone I am not worthy of being allowed a roof over my head, I need a credit rating of 620 or higher for them to even look at me and without that, my options are living out of a hotel, my car, or in the streets. Through God’s blessing, I have been living with a friend and his family in what was supposed to be 6 months and has turned into 3 years. I am told I have as long as it takes, but I know this is not the truth and I hate not having a place that will accept me so my children will be able to feel like they have a home again and I am not a burden to another family. I know all good things will come to pass in God’s time and never ours, and I can attest to this as all that God has blessed me with over the last 7 years has been through his timing and never mine. I am just asking for prayers that God’s time for me to move from my friend’s basement and into my own place where my children will have their own rooms to setup how they please, be able to decorate the house how they please, help me cook meals on a stove and oven instead of a Hot Plate, Microwave, and Toaster Oven, to be able to stop being worried about when I will be better and start to live as they should have been allowed before I destroyed everything, I just ask that God has forgiven me now and will bless me soon with this next opportunity in my life. God you have been my Rock, my Salvation, my Joy, my Guiding Light and you always will be and I will continue to rely on your time, not mine.

12 prayed for this