Prayer Request

By Sha

Submitted: 10 months ago

Father, please help us your children. You promised that if you have freely given us Your Son how much will You freely give us all other things with Jesus. Please provide us with good jobs to take care of our children. You promised to supply every need and a job is needed to pay rent and feed our children and pay for our bills. You also said you are better than our parents and if our parents owned everything, they would make sure we had all of our needs met you said you are better to us than they are so please because you own everything because the earth is yours the fullness thereof and everyone in it. Surely you will give us, your children, good jobs to keep a roof over our and our children heads, utilities on and food to eat. We are not asking for handouts but jobs to take care of ourselves in Jesus Almighty Name I pray Amen. Thank You Lord Jesus!

13 prayed for this