Prayer Request


Submitted: 9 months ago

Lord, in my marriage I feel single even when I am not single. Please hear my pleas and my tears. Jesus take the wheel in my marriage. I have no more fight in me. You were able to awaken a burning passion for you in my unbelieving husband. I thought it would make us closer but he uses it to condemn me and my walk with you. I have always wanted a husband that prays with me, that takes a gentle reign in our marriage to help grow us together in faith. Instead he takes this time to brag I see no indication he will change to cherishes me or loves me, as Jesus loved the Church. I lay my marriage at your feet lord. I don’t know if you want me to stay to continue watching you work in his life to better him. Or is there someone out there who had in mind for me all along? I just feel so single in this marriage. In your will I trust, in Jesus name, Amen

13 prayed for this