Prayer Request


Submitted: 9 months ago

I just read and prayed for the others on here . I for the 2nd time today almost did not submit this prayer as it sort of seemed silly . But earlier today I had a feeling something was going to go wrong but I let it go. I mean I had a whole week where good things had happened. I even had 6 hours sleep the other day not all at once but still that is a good thing. Then this afternoon my disabled son was trying to help walk one of the older dogs. The dog either slipped or stepped in a hole not seen by the snow and twisted his left paw. May seem like nothing but I do not need anything else to do. I actually got out of the house and got some grocery shopping done and that is the only time I do get out. I sometimes think I cannot take care of a disabled adult and 2 old dogs, but then I remember I have no choice no one is going to come and help me, I do not have any neighbors like the ones from years ago that would stop and check on us because they all moved away and were replaced by younger people who do not even look at you when you say hi. Sometimes my chest and left arm hurt but I cannot go to the hospital. I must keep going there is no one else and I can’t even get my brother to answer my messages for whatever reason. What did I do wrong today?

14 prayed for this