Prayer Request

By Aleta

Submitted: 8 months ago

My daughter has been suffering excruciating pain for months from her arm all the way down to the fingertips. It is asleep with shooting/pulsating episodes of pain every 10 minutes. She has been sleeping upright in a chair for months because the pain is greatest if she lays down. She went to a hand/arm doctor who X-rayed and found no injury. She has had insulin-dependent diabetes for 40 years (since age 3) and the doctor is concerned that she has neuropathy. Secondly, radiology called about her mammogram and there is a spot. She went in and they did an ultra-sound 3 times, with 3 different radiologists. She has a lump they think might be Hamartoma. Six technicians were looking at her images. The problem is that her breast tissue is so dense, they cannot tell what they are looking at. If Hamartoma, while not cancerous, it can become cancerous. Please pray God guides all these doctors to the correct diagnosis and that God, in his mercy, mitigates the seriousness of each medical issue.

Dana is stressed all the time from her job and this is making her already terrible life worse. Please pray for these many issues.

10 prayed for this