Prayer Request

By Kim

Submitted: 8 months ago

First giving honor to our Father, Son and Holy Spirit for continuous sobriety for 3 weeks. Praying for forgiveness of my sins. Praying that our family will be on one accord this Saturday as we memorialize my brother. Asking for prayer for my Aunt G and Uncle F who are ill at home. Asking for strength, peace and comfort as they deal with illness. Praying for my cousin D as she is doing her best to care for her parents. Praying for my elderly parents as they deal with getting older. And Lord please help my sister who suffers from grief brain. Bless every prayer request on this forum, please Lord bring a resolution to the migrant crisis, a end to all wars and bless us with peace on earth. Lord please end the deception of OH upon those who need your help. Lord let no weopon formed against me or my family prosper In Jesus Holy and Precious Name, AMEN!!

8 prayed for this