Prayer Request

By Mamapoa

Submitted: 7 months ago

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before You with a heavy heart, seeking Your intervention in my family’s situation. Our communication is disintegrating, and there is an abundance of pride, hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and grudges among us. Lord, I pray fervently that before Easter arrives, each of us will experience a transformative moment, much like Saul’s conversion to Paul. May pride be humbled, hurts be healed, and misunderstandings be clarified. Grant us the grace to forgive and forget past hurts, whether real or perceived.

I ask for the Holy Spirit to descend upon us, guiding our hearts and minds towards reconciliation and understanding. May Your mighty presence prevail, and Your glory be revealed in our midst. Let unity and love reign in our family, as we come together in the name of Jesus.

I claim these promises of unity and restoration in faith, trusting in Your infinite mercy and grace.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

8 prayed for this