Prayer Request

By A

Submitted: 7 months ago

I ask for prayer against selfishness, evil and jezebel spirits from the child’s father who tries to oppress and control our progress and productivity, tries to manipulate and bind us to his will, tries to be mean and be ill intentioned for his own selfish fulfillment and gain. Instead of bringing evil and ill intentions to mother and child I ask that he take on the characteristics and attributes of offering protection, showing sacrificial love, planning for our good, showing kindness, wanting and intending good for us and advocating and fighting for our good. I ask that he will accept Christ, live according to God’s word and assignment for his life, live in the truth of God’s love and authority and that he will turn from the lies and deceit of this world. I ask that God will transform his heart, consecrate him and make him pure. In Jesus name, amen.

9 prayed for this