Prayer Request

By Angela

Submitted: 7 months ago

Prayers for foot knee leg and back. They have been bothering me the last four day alot. Iam still taking no pain meds for this and hope to continue not to. Prayers they figure out my foot and can release pain. Hopefully after this my knee and back will get better. I am continuing to do my stretches and work out. And walking some on tread mill. My blood pressure doing better staying away from situations and things that stress me. I have stopped working about certain things. If they want to complain about certain things and not make any changes then they are not going to and nothing I say will change that. Thank you for giving me my husband Thank you his arm is doing better and he will be returning to work soon.prayers for my classes and school work and help me to understand so i can start using qb correctly. Let your will be done.

3 prayed for this