Prayer Request

By Brandi

Submitted: 7 months ago

Please pray A. Is a renewed person in Jesus, please please please renew their heart and mind and put a right spirit in them, please loose out all rage from A.’s bozom and remove, and block all rage away from A. now and forever, Lord is A. undiagnosed autistic? Lord help this person, please heal their mind, body and soul, help them control their emotions and never hit anyone nor never hit themselves, in Jesus Name, help them arrest every trigger, heal A. of all explosive disorders and pull them out at the root, Lord reveal all truths and bring miraculous healing immediately please to A.’s mind, heart body and soul, grant A. Excellent health and protection, help them with personal hygiene, home living conditions, their relationships, in Jesus Name, help A. eat healthier and fill their body with excellent high quality vitamins, minerals, nutrients, etc and restore and protect their health, many unspokens, in Jesus Mighty Name Amen and Praise God!!!

3 prayed for this