Prayer Request

By David

Submitted: 6 months ago

I was on my way to a wake last night and brought both of my dogs in from outside,but I guess in my hurriedness,I didn’t see one of my dogs go back outside,I shut the sliding glass door and said I love you all and left,I returned 3 hours later to find my dog Harley wasn’t in the house,I looked for him for two hours,I got up at daybreak and walked and drove all over,but couldn’t find him,I went to the animal shelter with faith that he was going to be there,I even took his crate in faith,to bring him back home safely in the truck,he wasn’t there,it is 24 hours gone by,and still no sign of him,I have walked the neighborhood and the church grounds behind my house,and still nothing,Harley is a beautiful small dog,part ShihTzu and part Bichon,it is possible someone took him,I don’t know,problem is,he is diabetic,and needs insulin,he is on kidney medication also,and takes anxziety medication too,I feel suicidal but have his sister Shaco still with me,and can’t leave her all alone if I die,I am totally responsible for this and don’t deny I am at fault,I have been praying all day,I have even prayed for GOD to take my life if Harley doesn’t come back,because I don’t know if I can deal with all of this,and I have made promises to sell my show car and 2 Harleys and tithe and donate the proceeds if HE brings Harley back to me,I am going to think about digesting small amounts of anti-freeze,because it wouldn’t show up as obvious as a gunshot or sliced wrists,to know my dog COULD be dying and dying alone and to not have anyone to comfort him is tearing me apart mentally and physically,I need Harley back at any cost,but my faith is diminishing,please pray for Harley and please pray for me,I am scared to death,please pray for GOD to fulfill HIS word and HIS promises in Matthew 18;19,Matthew 14-13;14,and Matthew 7;7,GOD BLESS YOU ALL FOREVER AND A DAY,and thank you for your prayers,Amen

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