Prayer Request

By Pili

Submitted: 5 months ago

Please help me pray for healing into my brothers life. A a year ago he got into an accident that almost took his life after the accident his family fell apart and went through a divorce ever since then he started drinking and he’s been drinking so hard right now even his friends reaching out to me to ask if he needs help. Anytime I speak to him. He’s very defensive and doesn’t want to talk to anybody about anything. I know that this is depression and that it’s not just drinking but the way of copying with the situation. Please pray that God touches him his life before we lose him. As it is, he doesn’t eat all he does is drink hard liquor. It’s causing a rift in my family as he is living with me and would like to see his life around. I know that God is a healer and that he works miracles. Speak life into his life,pray for his life, pray for his health pray that he finds healing and pray for the touch God on his life. Pray for me to stay strong to fight for him and help me not give up on him because this fight is hard for me too , thank you for praying with me. Amen.

21 prayed for this